Mental Flotsam, Mental Jetsam

Because the only thing that beats going crazy is going crazy with somebody else

Thursday, December 02, 2004

No Biz Like Show Biz, No Biz I Know

Well isn't showbiz a bitch. I got all excited yesterday about this opportunity to try out for a non-union voice-over for the History Channel. They need someone to do 'mature' voicework with French and Italian accents, for a biopic on Leonardo Da Vinci. So, during business hours, I called up Central Casting. I get two sentences out before I'm told I sound way too young for the part.

Never mind the fact that as an actor I can sound older or younger if I wish. Character voices are my thing. I can pull off a damn good Gollum, I think I could manage to add a few decades to the old vocal cords. It wouldn't be the first time I've played someone of advancing years. Oh well. Too young. "Are you in the voice-over business?" I sheepishly admit I'm trying to break in to that field.

"Oh. Well. That's really not what we're looking for." And this conversation is over. I politely thanked the woman for her time, and hung up. Dammit.

Bloody double-standard catch-22. Can't get a job without experience. Can't get experience without a job. Ugh. I have the means to make the oh-so-important voiceover demo, but without the time to get it done, I'm screwed. God.

I'm beginning to get that old feeling again, the one where I'm losing momentum. It's not a good feeling, stagnance. Rather hate it, myself. It doesn't look like this is shaping up to be a good day. Marvelous. We'll have to see what else comes down the line. What other option is there?


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