Mental Flotsam, Mental Jetsam

Because the only thing that beats going crazy is going crazy with somebody else

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

It’s David’s World… We Just Live In It

At rehearsal tonight for Book of Days, we got a bit silly backstage. I forgot a line (which jarred things to a momentary halt[it wasn't even a line I'd had trouble with before. Sheesh.]), and went through the typical self-bashing. Nothing was accomplished by it of course, but it made me feel better that I felt bad about it.

Backstage, I was feeling a bit goofy and I turned to David Gorsline. David is my co-star, and it's fun working with him (despite the fact that we only have one scene together). Using a German accent, I said to him, “I blame you.” He looked at me with amused disbelief, and I clarified. “I blame you for ze lines I forgot in a scene in vich you did not feature.” As if he could have had the slightest thing to do with it. At all. He got the joke. Jahwohl.

No more than five minutes later, David confessed that he was, in fact, the center of the known universe. It’s a Gorsline-centric universe. Heh. He explained that the line I had forgotten was due to the Gorsline-Molecular Sucking that was going on. To clarify, I asked if he meant Suck as in a Black Hole sucks, or Suck as in a sharp decline in quality. He confirmed it was the latter. To which I couldn’t help but reply, “Ah yes. The effect of Gorsline Molecular Suckage on… things. I believe that was the subject of my College Biology paper.” I sorta finished that sentence, I’m not sure. I may have been laughing too hard to be sure.

David rocks.

David completely rocks.


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