Mental Flotsam, Mental Jetsam

Because the only thing that beats going crazy is going crazy with somebody else

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Post No Bills

“I done seen near everything when I seen an elephant fly.”

While Dumbo and his descendants have not been filling my airspace, (that almost sounds kinda gross, now that I think of it) something almost as absurd and far less welcome has blemished my morning.

Someone spammed this thing. I received notice this morning that an anonymous reader had left the following detritus:

“Blog is informative . Dont't stop. I'm sure you'd be interested in How to buy & sell fine art on interest free credit; pay whenever you want.” Actually, I wouldn’t be interested. Thanks all the same. Oh, and the typos are his or hers. I only edit for people I actually know. Punk.

As a precaution against this kind of malarkey getting through again, I’ve activated that word-ID thingamajig. If you want to leave a remark, you have to be able to recognize a word put through Alice’s Looking Glass (or some other simile for distortion). Take that, spammers.



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