Mental Flotsam, Mental Jetsam

Because the only thing that beats going crazy is going crazy with somebody else

Monday, November 14, 2005

That's A Wrap!


Great day in the morning, I love mornings like this one. I wrote. Every once in a while, not terribly often I’m afraid, I get in the zone; where my fingers can barely keep up with my brain, for better or for worse.

Don’t get me wrong, there has been plenty of writing going on lately, and I can get a fair amount put away at a good stretch. But today… it was just running off the fingers. More importantly, it finally concludes the first draft of something I’ve been trying to finish for months: Writing Sucks.

It’s for writers. It’s for actors who want to have some fun. It’s for anyone that ever thought about picking up a pencil and starting a project for the sheer hell of it. (And they know there’s plenty of hell in the process.)

Two man/woman show. Very simple set. One act. BAM. In the new year, I’m going to try to get it produced at one of the one-act festivals that go on in the tri-state area. If any of you hear of them as they come up, by all means drop me a line! Can’t wait.


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