Mental Flotsam, Mental Jetsam

Because the only thing that beats going crazy is going crazy with somebody else

Monday, November 07, 2005

Stubborn Son Of A [Biscuit]

A few blogs ago (two), I cited a problem I've had of late with ideas in popular mediums... and their resemblance ideas I had. It frustrates.

In this case, I’ve been working on a comic book story. And a similar story’s being done in popular comics. Cause my timing is great as always. What can you do?

Well, this right here is what you can do: Keep going anyway. I went back and deleted the specifics from the blog, because in a fit of frustration, I spilled too many beans anyway. One ought not to write when he’s angry.

I still want to finish the story. The characters are my characters. How they respond to… what happens… is going to be different from the mainstream. I guarantee it.

So what’s that mean, exactly. It means I’m going to keep working on it. Developing the scripts. Finding artists who can actually draw. Eventually, making the pitch. I know the ropes, and if I just give up, then what the hell’s the point.

That’s all.


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