Mental Flotsam, Mental Jetsam

Because the only thing that beats going crazy is going crazy with somebody else

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Not So Dire Straights

Tonight, I ventured for the first time into the world of Poker. My friend Bill invited me over to his place for a few rounds of a friendly game, and I had fun.

It’s something I’ve been interested in for a while now, but never really had an opportunity to play. The game was Texas Hold ‘Em. The balance o’ power shifted more than once, and thanks to a straight or two (nothing royal nor flush-y), I was able to stay in the game as long as I did.

Had a good time. A good, good time. Tomorrow for Movie Night, my brother and I have The Thing lined up, and if there’s time (which there probably will be), the original Superman. My Aunt Riggin went above and beyond the call of holiday duty and got me Superman I and II for Christmas. (III and IV need not be spoken of. If you’ve seen them, you know why. Ahem.)

Samm, my prayers are with you, and I’m glad to hear you’re okay.

The new year has begun, folks. Let’s make it a good one.


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