Mental Flotsam, Mental Jetsam

Because the only thing that beats going crazy is going crazy with somebody else

Friday, April 14, 2006


In effort to sharpen my skills, I took a voice-over class this January. I learned some valuable things about the craft; including general tips, the frame of mind one needs for the business, and made some good contacts for further lessons down the road. It also accomplished two other things.

#1: It served as a confidence boost, regardless of whether or not one was required.

#2: It pointed me toward a casting website that actually delivers results.

Which is why I'm headed back up to New York for the second set of cartoon try-outs in three weeks. Bam.

YES: These are only auditions. NO: There are no guarantees. Does that do anything to quiet the butterflies, or stop me from being thrilled at the prospect? No.

The same company as before (still not giving a title, don't need to jinx myself) produces a number of cartoons; and this time I'm up for recurring roles. Shazam.

This is what I want to do. The fact that I may actually get to do it? Nothing short of a blessing.

Somewhat typically, I have rehearsal that night. So I have to hop a train back almost immediately. This is a shame, because I have people I'd love to see, up in New York.

Hopefully next time...


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