Mental Flotsam, Mental Jetsam

Because the only thing that beats going crazy is going crazy with somebody else

Monday, March 06, 2006

So This Was My Day

Let’s talk.

Or rather, since one-on-one in this particular medium is a bit impossible, I’ll talk and you… read. Sure. That’ll work.

Rehearsals today for Assassins went splendidly. Just super. I use the plural here, because we ran the show twice. And it’s just getting better.

We’re now using live (blank) firearms, so any people in upcoming audiences that may be hard of hearing will be in for a treat. Lots of noisy, noisy treats. Blammo!

In all honesty, playing Sam Byck is therapeutic. I put him on and get to rant for a while in someone else’s skin-- but it’s still my shouting. It’s still my venting, which feels marvelous. Plus? The oh-so-thin piece of wire keeping the mini-microphone adjacent to my ear is a constant source of irritation. I take that tiny little pinch and add it to the brew of Byck. I’m liking the results.

Next Wednesday (not in three days time, but ten), I’m headed back to the booth for another three episodes of Pendemonium. Yee Gods I love this stuff. Any stretch of time where I have something to look forward to, is a good one. I am looking forward to the Fifteenth with so much delight, in another week I’ll be positively bouncing. I get to be a cartoon villain again. HAH!

In the mean time: every day this coming week save tomorrow, I’m in rehearsal. At this moment I have no idea what I’ll do tomorrow evening-- hopefully something productive. There are miles I could walk, stories I could develop and V.O. auditions I could answer. I do love being busy.

Have a good night, folks. Ciao.


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