Mental Flotsam, Mental Jetsam

Because the only thing that beats going crazy is going crazy with somebody else

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Tomorrow Should Be *Loads* Of Fun

And why, you ask? Because it's surgery day!! Yee Ha!! A strange man is gonna reach into my mouth and pluck out my wisdom teeth. Super Dee Duper!

But wait, there's more! Gargling salt water, sucking down nothing but Jello-brand products and trying not to drool too much as I revel in a Vicodin-addled stupor will nicely round out my day.

The movies have been rented, there's Mint Chocolate Chip in the freezer, and I've made sure that not a camera is in sight to immortalize the inevitable chipmunk cheeks. *Shudder*

Oh well. At least my dental insurance in no way covers the surgery; otherwise I'd miss out on the splendor of paying for a minor-yet-expensive operation all by my onesies.

This sarcastic tirade of bitching is brought to you by the number zero, the number of things I can eat or drink between now and the surgery. Woot.

One sad, quiet little woot.


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