Mental Flotsam, Mental Jetsam

Because the only thing that beats going crazy is going crazy with somebody else

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

God, I Love Being Busy


My Voice-Over Demos are finally ship-shape (by which I mean trimmed down to appropriate lengths for professional release), and I’ll have them on my website shortly, I hope. In the mean time, I can start sending them out to some talent agencies in the area. I’ve done my homework, and there are a good three or four in the area that accept VO demos. Sweet.

Also, tonight, if he’s available, my partner and I are going to hit up a Kinko’s and print out Tuxxer. Done my homework on that end, too. There are roughly a dozen different comic labels that would be appropriate to submit it to; all of which accept unsolicited work.

I’m going in to both of these ventures with open eyes, and modest hopes. I don’t expect anything to happen, but I do hope good things will come out of it. A wise friend of mine told me a few years ago that expectations could only lead to disappointment, because you’re planning for something you really don’t have control over. Hope, however, isn’t making any declarative statement that can bite you in the ass later. Mikiah’s a pretty good guy.

I LOVE having things on my plate. Projects to occupy my time. Sure, I also love to have a night off to just chill out, pop in a movie and pour myself a frosty beverage, but come on. I couldn’t do that every night. I know that because I used to. When I was in high school, it seemed that every weekend was spent plopped in front of the TV with a bag of sunflower seeds (yum) and a fridge full of Pepsi nearby. If I wasn’t in a show, I didn’t have much in the way of alternate extra-curricular activities.

Nowadays, if I’m not doing three things at once, I wonder what the heck I’m doing. I’ve got an audition this weekend for a sketch comedy show in DC. I’ll be sending out VO demos and Tuxxer samples as soon as I can… It’s a good time to be active and alive. I’m sure there’s some alternative motivation behind this drive to be productive, but right now I don’t really care to know what’s behind it, so long as I keep it up.

If you’ll excuse me, I have some errands to run. Shazam.


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