Mental Flotsam, Mental Jetsam

Because the only thing that beats going crazy is going crazy with somebody else

Friday, November 02, 2007

Weighing In On The Issue

Okay. I am not going to pretend to have all the facts regarding the Writer's Guild strike-- but I know the basics. They want more money for the explosion of new residuals-- thanks to Tivo and TV/Movies being available on Ipods, phones, etc. That sounds pretty fair.

The Hollywood moguls don't want to budge. So any minute now, the WGA is going on strike.

Sorry bunch of ingrates.

I respect that they're brandishing the only weapon they have, the strike itself, but honestly? Do they know how lucky they are to be employed in the first place?

I would give my eyeteeth for a professional writing job-- let alone one in such a lucrative market.

I've tried getting my foot in that particular door in the past (and will continue to do so in the future; it's on my to-do list), but for those already in the thick of it: friggin' appreciate where you are.

I hope this ends amicably. I hope the WGA get what they're after, they deserve it. Truly. Nevertheless, there's something in this that galls me that talented, articulate people are threatening not to do what must be their dreamjobs. There's no glory in refusing to do what you're best at. I cannot express how against-the-grain angry this makes me.



  • At 2:26 PM, Blogger Casey Jones said…

    Kyleen said the following:
    Getting a job doing what you love does not automatically make intolerable working conditions acceptable. I will admit that I am not as informed about the facts and particulars of this strike. However, I don't think arguing over wages necessarily means that you don't enjoy or appreciate the job you have. Put another way:

    A poor woman in a third-world country learned to sew at an early age. She very much enjoys sewing; putting needle to thread and watching a garment unfold into her own creation is gratifying for her. By some twist of fate, she has the opportunity to move to a more prosperous country and work in a garment factory. Upon arrival, she meets with 18-hour work days, impossible deadlines, and demanding, demeaning employers who mete out meager, sub-standard wages. Should the fact that she has this job, doing something she enjoys, while others are unemployed, mean that she should simply accept the conditions in the workplace?

    I don't pretend that writing in Hollywood equates with sweatshop labor; I simply question the argument that because you would like to be a Hollywood writer and have been deterred, those who are in the profession should take whatever is given them.

  • At 1:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    My friend Annie, a striking writer who's also on strike, posted some more information on her blog:


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