Mental Flotsam, Mental Jetsam

Because the only thing that beats going crazy is going crazy with somebody else

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Oh, the possibilities...

My girlfriend, who is an actor like myself, is developing a mild quandary. Yeah, it's the kind of day where I use words like quandary. Try to work with it.

Anyway. She's currently in rehearsals for a production of The Man Who Came to Dinner, a show which I understand takes place in the 1930's, or so. Not really important to the quandary at hand (there it is again), but worth mentioning nonetheless.

Okay. Here's the problem: Her cast is short one actor; namely the role of her brother. He'd be about my age, and her cast has gone through two actors in the role already. Not going to hazard a guess why. Her director has suggestively asked her how I'm doing lately, once or twice. I told her to tell him, I'd be happy to do the part, but as a last resort.

Now: With that final hotel remark, I don't mean that I don't actually want to do it. I'm fine with it. The idea of cross-wiring her feelings for me as her boyfriend with her feelings for her on-stage sibling just make her go 'ewww', and I don't blame her. It's not something I'm ca-razy about either, but I'd be willing to suck it up if I had to in order to ensure that she has a full cast. Then of course, there'd be the ribbing from her co-stars, which I'm sure would be considerable. Eeesh.

The whole thing is laughable. I know this because I'm laughing. Oy. Ew, as well, while we're at it.

So, where does it go, and what happens next? Couldn't tell you. It wouldn't be the first time I've joined a cast mid-rehearsal, I've got a funny story or two for you concerning a production of Romeo & Juliet sometime, come to think of it... We'll just have to see what's what when the last resort actually hits.


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