Mental Flotsam, Mental Jetsam

Because the only thing that beats going crazy is going crazy with somebody else

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Strange Dreams. What Else Is New?

Last night, I had one dream that got turned on its ear and became a completely different dream altogether. Strange things are afoot at the Circle K, indeed.

It started out simply enough. Dreaming that I had been cast in a Theatre IV-esque children's show, I started rehearsals and found myself working with a colleague or two from my past. Nothing all that out of the order there, aside from the fact that rehearsal was taking place in a shopping mall. About halfway through our first rehearsal together, we as a whole discovered that we had super powers.

Yup. Super powers. I found myself able to genuinely fly, which was exhilarating. I've dreamt of flying before, but 9 out of 10 times (and it was a rare dream anyway), I wasn't that good at it. Instead of the real deal, I could only manage to take really long leaps, hover, and eventually come back down not that far from where I started. Not last night. Last night, I could soar. I started off with one of the uber-leaps. As I felt myself coming back down, I thought to myself; "Nope. We're gonna keep going." So, instead I looked up at a cloudy blue sky and just went. Higher, faster, until I was above the clouds and chasing the sun. It was pretty damn neat.

By the time I had landed, my co-stars had adopted superhero names for themselves, and costumes. (I don't remember either their names or what their suits looked like.) One guy, however, had turned to the villainous side of things and set a series of challenges against us, all within the confines of a huge bookstore. We kicked his butt. Endorsement offers came in, we were suddenly very popular. I forget which one, but some celebrity dropped by the mall with some advice on how to handle our newfound stardom. He gave some good tips (again, don't recall what they were), and went on his way.

I don't have the foggiest idea where any of that stuff came from. The flying was fun, though.

That's all I got at the moment...


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