Mental Flotsam, Mental Jetsam

Because the only thing that beats going crazy is going crazy with somebody else

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

A New Quandary


Alright. Here's the thing. The first realistic opportunity for new employment that's come along in three months turns out to be for a company that I have some... moral complications with. Yuh-huh.

I'm an actor. I know what it's like to be looking possible glory in the face and know for a fact that it's a crapshoot. Parents of impressionable young children don't necessarily know that. They may be willing to plunk down thousands of dollars for training that won't guarantee a blessed thing for their kids, career-wise.

So, how do I deal with that? I'm a smart, capable guy. I have a bachelor's degree in the arts, so why not me? Couldn't I get the opportunity to help mold their minds a bit? Hmm? (Truth be told I can't stand the work of a lot of child actors. Only a handful seem to know what they're doing. The rest are just being cute. Which could be an opportunity to fix that as well, ha ha.) I'm not saying one way or the other.


Just yesterday I was complaining about my current employment. If idle hands are the devil's playground, then my mitts must be Beelzebub's freaking theme park, I'm so bored. Regardless. It's local. It's work in the arts, which is something I've been pining for. It must pay at least what I'm making now, very probably more, considering the amount of responsibility in question.

What the hell. I'll go to the interview. I'll see if they're interested. We'll just have to wait. And. See.


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