Mental Flotsam, Mental Jetsam

Because the only thing that beats going crazy is going crazy with somebody else

Monday, December 27, 2004

Update on Tuxxer: The Comic

Like a train slowly making its way out of the station, its engine heaving steam and smoke into the air with each labored pound of the pistons; so does Tuxxer inch toward reality.

I have the scans in my possession, which are still black and white. A few weeks ago I put together a list of three colorists whose work looked best; and gave them the low-down. I'm sending them each the same page, as a demo. Who ever makes it look the best, wins the assignment (for pay, of course).

I don't know how long it will take them to do it. This is my first time putting a comic book together. If it's anything like the other steps, though, I shouldn't have too long to wait. After that's done with: I add the captions myself. There are a few different programs one can use, and I've been compiling a list of download-able fonts I plan to acquire for the job.

Once those two steps are finished, I can print the finished pages out, and start the sales pitches. Shazam. I have a few books on the subject, on how best to approach potential publishing houses. We'll see how it goes, people. Rock on.


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