Mental Flotsam, Mental Jetsam

Because the only thing that beats going crazy is going crazy with somebody else

Monday, December 20, 2004

Grudge Like A Dead Guy

Grace, thy name is Leta...

The can of worms has been opened, and I'm afraid I picked up that can. My friend Leta has posted some interesting remarks on the act of letting go of a disagreement, or a grudge. It's a skill I have tried to learn, honestly. And I have yet to master it.

I'll be the first one to say it: When it comes to certain specific things, I can be downright petty. Holding a grudge is one of them. Hell, I don't just hold on to it. I practically squeeze the filling out of it.

Grudge like a dead guy: you ever see a ghost-movie where the dearly departed had any intention (or ability) to let go of a disagreement, or a slight? I can't recall an instance. "Oooooohh. Oh, there's that guy. I hate his guts. Hate his kids. Hate his dog. Hate him, hate him, hate him. I'm dead and I still hate him. I think I'll go drive him crazy. Yeah, that's the ticket. Oooooohhh."

[Impending Overstatement in 5...4...3...2...1] Nowhere, in the history of the film, has a spectral form ever said "Oh. Yeah. Well, I see your point. Man, I've been a real jerk. I guess now that I've been enlightened enough to see your side of things I can go on with my afterlife. Sorry to have been a bother. Is this the exit over here? Thanks so much."

The reason for this fa-laming hyperbole? It's fun. The other reason is to illustrate a point: Grudges happen. They happen because we're human beings, and we've been known to be a bit overzealous when it came to forgetting what some jerk said in moment of thoughtlessness.

Leta, you're a bigger person than I am. I've tried to drop them before, with temporary success. Maybe I'm just an asshole for not being able to let go, for keeps. But other than saying "I'm over it" and trying my damnedest to mean it, I don't know what else to do about it. There's still a girl out there who I never want to speak to again. There's still a guy or two out there I'd like to see hit by something heavy, and hopefully speeding. Meh.

What else do you want? I said Meh...


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