Mental Flotsam, Mental Jetsam

Because the only thing that beats going crazy is going crazy with somebody else

Monday, December 13, 2004

"Thank You Very Much"... Oh, the Irony

I think by now we've all heard the commercial (on radio and television) from Visa Gift Cards; using the song "Thank You Very Much" from one of the better musical versions of A Christmas Carol, entitled Scrooge. (The film version with Albert Finney is excellent.)

Has it struck anyone else that their choice of music is a bit morbid, or at the very least, ironic? In the musical, the people are singing and dancing their hearts out in gratitude for Ebenezer's death. The assembled throng all owed him money, so they dance a merry jig (not to mention on his coffin) as they cart him off to the cemetery. So now we have a credit card company advertising a gift card using a song about people's debt being wiped out by the moneylender's death. Huh.

**Irony Detector readings coming in clearly now... we have a 7.1: Not quite Gift of the Magi, but more ironic than some episodes of the original Twilight Zone.**


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