Mental Flotsam, Mental Jetsam

Because the only thing that beats going crazy is going crazy with somebody else

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

So Ye Giveth, So Shall Ye Receive...eth

It deserves to be a modifier on one of Newton’s Laws of Motion. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction? Every attitude shall be met with equal and opposing attitude…

Kaplahr. There is a woman I occasionally run into that manages to completely rub me the wrong way, each and every time I see her. We just flat-out don’t like each other. Now, attitude has entered the formula. She chided me. The woman CHIDED me.

I was tying my shoe, and rather than bend over, I put my foot up on the edge of a counter so I could reach it. My foot wasn’t in anyone’s face. Wasn’t near anything that could have gotten ‘dirty’. I didn’t have anything wet or muddy on my shoe. It was there for all of thirty seconds. And she scolded me like she was an elementary school teacher.

The thing is, I didn’t take that kind of lip even when I *had* an elementary school teacher. I stood up for myself back then (oblivious to the fact that I was completely out of line), or rolled my eyes at them. Yeah. I can be a real snot sometimes. There you have it.

Now I know better. Much as I might like to, it wouldn’t do to get into a public, noisy argument with a woman twice my age and half my size. It’s just stupid. Rather than make a bigger scene (or give her further ammunition), I just waited for my bagel to be done, and left.

Was I rude to put my foot on the edge of the counter like that? I didn’t think it was that bad. I still don’t. Was she rude to make a scene out of it? In my opinion, yeah. Big honking yeah. Makes me consider just bringing along my own damn toaster, so I wouldn’t have to chance running into her anymore.



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