Mental Flotsam, Mental Jetsam

Because the only thing that beats going crazy is going crazy with somebody else

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes

Every so often, I have a dream that will stay with me, long after I wake up. This morning was one such occasion. While I doubt this particular one will stay with me forever (like other ones I’ve had, it remains pertinent for the moment.

There were three scenes I remember most vividly: The first was a big patriotic party. Music, tables with paper tablecloths, people having fun. I had been in a war, and saved someone’s life, or something along those lines. Everyone wanted to shake my hand. Richard Schiff, the actor that plays Toby Ziegler on West Wing, came up to me and told me he was going to make sure I was President someday. Weird.

Next, I was in the garage of a funeral home. There was a hearse parked there. There were maggots covering the floor, and my brother and I were walking over them. Ick. Then we started wrapping several books with newspaper. I asked him why we were doing it, and he said something like “So they can’t see what’s underneath” or something appropriately cryptic.

Next thing I know, he’s pressing this spot on my back, which hurts like crazy. I can scarcely think about anything else. (It’s worthy of noting that this isn’t the first time I’ve dreamt of someone touching this spot on my back. It doesn’t exist in the real world, but in my dreams if someone presses it, it hurts like hell. The last time I had that aspect of a dream was years ago.)

Finally, I’m in my own neighborhood, and for whatever reason, I’ve decided to go for a run. I’m fast, and I cover a lot of ground with ease. I see some kids playing, and run right by them. I should mention the fact that in real life, I hate to run. I go for a good walk a few times a week (when it’s not raining), but running is just a pain in the ass. If it were as easy as it was in my dream, I’d probably enjoy it a lot more.

Anyway; that’s what I dreamed of last night. More to follow.


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