Mental Flotsam, Mental Jetsam

Because the only thing that beats going crazy is going crazy with somebody else

Thursday, March 09, 2006

We Laughed, She Cried, There Was A Brief Riot...

It hardly seems like yesterday really managed to fit inside just twenty-four hours. A very full day, folks.

At the booth, I recorded some tracks for more books on tape, in addition to undertaking a new side-project (more on that later, if I can get away with it); and making a new friend. One of the engineers, Dave, was freaking hilarious. He’d toggle in and out of accents as fast as you could blink.

“You know, Dave, I have to say, that’s one of the best Brits I’ve ever heard.”

“I am actually English, Casey.”

*Wipe humble pie off my face* “Ah. Then, that’s one of the best American accents I’ve ever heard.”

Dave’s been living state-side for over a decade as I understand it, hence the multiple dialects. We were laughing up a storm, too: somehow the topic had gone to Christmas, which he tried to convince me that people in his hometown called “Lollyday.”


“No, it’s true. In honor of the lollipops presented to the Baby Jesus.” His straight-faced delivery here was a credit to him.

“There were no Lollipops presented to Jesus. They didn’t exist.”

“Well they took that out, din’t they. No mention at all. Right shameful.”

“Oh! You must be referring to the fourth wise man, Wonka.”

“Yeah. That’s ‘im.”

“Although to be fair, the gobstoppers didn’t actually become everlasting until Christ began to suck on ‘em.” High-grade, quality silliness. Great stuff.

* * *

Later that night, we made a gift of a brand-new keyboard to Robin, to replace the one that’d been stolen. The look on her face said it all. Everyone chipped in that could, we got the funds together in no time. Talk about Community Theatre…

Rehearsal went very well. We had one or two bumps along the way *cough* Jack! *cough* but all in all it was a good show. Opening night is gonna kick some ass. Yes, yes it will.

(Only kidding, Jack. Only kidding.)


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