Folks, it's been an interesting 24 hours. Yesterday afternoon I had a last-minute audition for a Japanese-slasher-flick-English-dub. They record next week. I would love the gig, I'd be playing a teenager that's killed by the Yakuza. Woot.
Other news in the realm of VOs, I have an audition on Saturday for an animated fairy tale. It's been a while since I've auditioned for anything musical; I'm looking forward to it. I've been practicing the songs they supplied; and any opportunity to get back into cartoons would be a welcome one.
Last but not least; I'm in the running for an Editing position at a magazine that my brother and I have been writing for in a freelance capacity. If I get the job... well, that would be fantastic. Keep your fingers crossed on all these seedlings.
Maybe one'll grow.
Labels: life, voice-overs
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