I like Questionable Content. It’s a darn good strip, and today completely captured why.
With the exception of a walking computer with the demeanor (and destructive capabilities) of a toddler, every one of these characters could be a real person. And they say things like what Marten’s loving Momma says to Faye.
Boilerplate warnings! Woohoo! Establishin’ up front you mean business. I don’t really know why people feel the need to get *that* protective, but it’s kinda sweet, in an ominous sort o’ way. Plus I’ve been known to use it myself. Case in point:
An ex-girlfriend of mine began dating another friend of mine. I didn’t take the news all that super-well when I first heard it; but I saw how happy she was with him, and any resentment I felt disappeared. Of course, he and I still had to have ‘the talk’. I assured him that I was completely fine with their relationship (at that point an engagement to be married). Then, almost compulsory, I warned him: If you hurt her, you’re going to regret it.
Well, they’ve been married for… what is it, two years now? As far as I hear everything’s great and they’ve got a bouncing baby boy. So they must be doing a few things right. Rock on.
Then, about a year ago, my friend John started dating my friend Heather. I introduced them to each other, with the specific intention of seeing if they’d make a good couple. After the first few dates(more like after every date), I asked John how things were going, and he said great. At one point, the urge came up again to stand up just in case: By the way, if ya hurt her, you’re going down.
Now, I know John well enough to know that he’d never deliberately do anything to wound Heather’s heart or the rest of her. I wouldn’t have introduced them if that was even a possibility. And John’s not stupid. He’s one of the best guys I know... and there is no earthly way I could inflict harm on him. Ever. He wouldn’t let it happen; insomuch that he could kick my ass a number of times in a startlingly short number of seconds. Yeah. But I still laid it down.
So there that is. If anyone has an idea on why people say things like that, please let me know. It’s just interesting to me.
More to follow.